the end snuck up on everyone...them more than most.

My novel is out now! Here’s a Narrated Excerpt

My debut novel ‘The Fall of Polite’ is out now in paperback and on Kindle. Click Here to order your own copy now! This narrated excerpt is pretty much what an audiobook version of the novel would be like. If enough people are interested in a full-length audiobook version, then I might be able to…

Cover Art Reveal for The Fall of Polite

‘The Fall of Polite’ comes out in paperback and on Kindle on April 30, 2020. In the video below, Sam reveals the cover art and a little bit of background to his creative process. The cover was designed by the incredible Kaylee Adams. For more of her badass artwork, visit her Instagram page Pre-orders are open…

Sam Kench author of debut novel The Fall of Polite

Announcing Debut Novel from Filmmaker Sam Kench

‘The Fall of Polite‘ by Sam Kench, is a post-apocalyptic novel coming to Kindle and paperback on April 30th, 2020. The Kindle version is available for Pre-order right now! Click Here to order and save. Pre-order copies are more than 20% off the release price, so get in early!